2025 NCRA Vendor Welcome
Learn about hotel, shipping and ordering AV.
2025 Conference Details for Vendors
Here you will find the following information:
- Exhibit hall hours,
- Shipping to the hotel,
- Guestroom reservations,
- Registering your representatives,
- Building your profile on the conference app,
- Conference policies and more.
Toggle the menu below to learn more.
Ensure that you schedule representatives to be at your booth at breakfast each morning and breaks each day. NCRA encourages our attendees to visit the booths.
Saturday, March 15
Breakfast: 7:00am – 7:45am
Break: 10:00am – 10:30am
Lunch: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Break: 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Sunday, March 16
Breakfast: 7:00am – 7:45am
Break: 10:30am – 11:00am
If your representatives would like to attend one of the general sessions they are welcome to do so. We will have seating in the back of the room. They may not attend the annual business meeting or the four corners event. They may not sit with the attendees. They are not allowed to ask questions. Representatives are welcome to attend the reception and poster session on Saturday.
Vendors must review the shipping and receiving instructions to ensure your items are available. Forms must be returned before February 28.
NCRA has the Biddle Room available for our vendors to store boxes. It will open at 4:00 pm on Friday. All boxes must be removed before 11:45 am on Sunday. This room will be locked overnight.
Friday, March 14 – 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Your set-up must be completed by 7:00 pm. If your organization has hired a third party organization to set-up, ensure that they can complete your exhibit by 7:00 pm.
Saturday, March 15 – Exhibit Hall will open at 6:30 am.
If you plan to set-up Saturday morning your must set-up and clean up your station before 6:55 am.
Sunday, March 16 – 10:35 am to 12:00 pm
You may begin breaking down after the Sunday morning break and must be completed by noon.
If you have a third party organization breaking down your display ensure they understand they may not enter the exhibit hall before 10:35 am and must be completed by noon.
If your display is not broken down by noon, NCRA will breakdown and place in the trash.
Please note that if you complete the shipping and receiving form and return to the hotel February 28, 2025, your packages will be at your booth if they are not too heavy or fragile. Follow up with Ms. Newcomb closer to the conference for questions.
Instructions were sent to NCRA’s contacts the first week of February for all registered organizations. As organizations continue to register the instructions will be shared at that time. This is the email shared the first week of February or when you registered for the conference. These are the instructions that were attached to the email.
Access to register your representatives and build your profile in the mobile app used for the conference were sent the first week of February. The email providing access will come from Cvent.
NCRA name badges are required at all events. Representatives may not wear their corporate nametags.
Items are to ship to the Washington Duke Inn, 3001 Cameron Blvd, Durham, NC 27705. They should be shipped to the attention Jessi Newcomb. They may not arrive before Wednesday, March 12.
If you are shipping to the hotel, this form must be returned by February 28, 2025. It is very important that you clearly label your boxes with your organization’s name and number of boxes (1 of 4) in addition to the packing label. The Washington Duke Inn and NCRA are not responsible for your boxes not being placed at your booth if you do not clearly label the boxes.
It is important to bring your tracking numbers with you. If possible, bring proof of delivery.
If you are shipping an oversized display and/or boxes (box that cannot be easily lifted by one person) and are not using a third party organization to set-up your display, contact the Washington Duke Inn to discuss how your display can be moved to your table.
Bring return labels with you. The hotel has some but may not have enough for everyone.
It is the representative’s responsibility to schedule a pick-up on Sunday or Monday morning.
If you are bringing your display and/or boxes with you, please be respectful of the hotel staff. Notify Tammy if you are bring your own displays.
For AV used this form to order AV for your booth. Ms. Newcomb will contact you for payment.
Accommodations for the North Carolina Rheumatology Association Annual Meeting can be made through the Washington Duke Inn.
For reservations call 1-919-490-0999 and request the North Carolina Rheumatology Association Annual Conference March 2025 guest room block. Reservations may also be made online.
To take advantage of our special rate reservations must be made prior to 5:00 pm on February 20.
Please note once our guestrooms fill, we cannot guarantee that our special rate will be available.
Join NCRA for exclusive access to the state's leading educational resources, programs, and events
Engage with a member-owned organization committed to the science and practice of rheumatology
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Our mission and annual conference are made possible with support from these corporate members.